React Context API was mainly introduced to solve one of the major problems that React developers like us were facing at that time - prop drilling and ...

Some ReactJS Bad Practices include- 1. Using Index as the key in the map function 2. Polluting Render method by using Anonymous functions 3. Using Nested Components ...

JSX stands for JavaScript Syntax Extension. It is a syntax for writing JavaScript and HTML together separated by curly braces.

Props in React are the read-only properties that are passed between two components mostly from the parent component to the child component.

useEffect hook is one of the most used hooks in React and it specializes in performing side effects in Functional Components.

useState hook in React JS is a Hook that lets us add React state to function components”. It simply means that we can now declare state variables to functional components

Hooks are an addition to the Functional Components through which we can work with states and other React features without first converting them into classes as it was the ...

Virtual DOM is just a virtual copy of the actual object that the DOM has created for a specific node and...

Functional Components are JavaScript functions that are usually created with the help of arrow functions...